Monday, August 30, 2010

A Final Dream.

A great tragedy has happened in the world of entertainment. On August 24th 2010, Satoshi Kon, director and animator of such great films such as Perfect Blue, Paprika and the TV series Paranoia Agent, died in his home of pancreatic cancer. Satoshi Kon was only 46 years old and was currently working on a project called The Dream Machine. I think I speak for everyone that has seen any of his movies when I say that he was one of the most brilliant anime directors and that his understanding of psychology, philosophy and aesthetics eclipses any directors of his time. It's saddening to lose someone like this, yet on his death bed, Satoshi made arrangements to give his last words even to his fans.

After his death, his family released a final blog entry that he had written to his fans, his loved ones and the crew of his final project. His blog was far from happy, yet it did have it's own optimistic tone. He likens death to a "hop over there", saying that he truly thinks his wife will send him off in the best way possible. He makes several references to his movies and has such a humble tone that truly seems as if he is talking to anyone who wants to listen.

He did; however, mention that his greatest regret was the production of his newest project The Dream Machine with Mad House Studios and how he worries about the crew. He says that he "wrapped his arms" around the production throughout every detail and that because of this he fears his idea was not passed on well enough to finish the project. He does say that he has faith in Maruyama, his partner at Madhouse, and that he is certain Maruyama will continue the project "bravely".

Satoshi Kon's most recent work Good Morning

Satoshi Kon finishes his blog with these final words:

"So, Everyone who stuck with me through this long document, thank you. With my heart full of gratitude for everything good in the world, I'll put down my pen.

Now excuse me, I have to go

-Satoshi Kon".


  1. His death is the only celebrity death in the past few years which actually made me cry.

    Unrelated to that, why don't you make a series of posts about SIEGE? XD

  2. Wow, it took me a while to see this comment. I was thinking about it for some time. I would really like to get around to a post about CCP as a company.
